National Labor Relations Board

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)[1] is the principal law protecting the labor rights of private-sector employees in the United States. While the second Trump administration’s attack on workers is multi-faceted,[2] private-sector workers are by far the largest segment of the work force at risk.[3] Unfortunately, because of the administrative structure of the NLRA, the…

Pavan Trikutam via Unsplash / Instagram: @heypav

On 11 March 2024, the European co-legislators approved a Directive on improving working conditions in platform work—the ‘Platform Work Directive’ (PWD).[1] It targets two challenges in digital labour platforms: false self-employment (Chapter II) and algorithmic management (Chapter III). Additionally, it increases transparency, especially for Member States (Chapters IV–V).[2] Some analysts called the final text ‘watered…

Comment on CJEU judgment of December 19, 2024 – Case C-531/23 Loredas ECLI:EU:C:2024:1050 In many jurisdictions, domestic workers are still excluded from key areas of labour and social security law. Where ILO Domestic Workers Convention 189 (that was brought about by an international movement of domestic workers[1]) established the principle of equal treatment for domestic…

This blogpost looks closer at the Working Time Directive (2003/88) and the possibility under Article 22 to opt-out of the maximum weekly working time of 48 hours. Denmark recently introduced this opt-out in its working time legislation. The Danish legislator did not choose a wide derogation providing more flexibility to employers in general, but rather…

Introduction On 25 July 2024, the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) entered into force, marking a new era of corporate accountability for companies’ negative impacts on human rights and the environment. The CSDDD contains provisions on due diligence obligations for large corporations which entail, among others, the development of a due diligence policy and…

A burning post-war question that has been a source of much debate within trade union organisations is that of ‘Europe,’ which, through ‘deepening’ and ‘widening’, has changed in form and content across time. National trade unions have expressed different preferences towards ‘Social Europe’ from those advocating ‘ever closer union’ to those supporting ‘unity in diversity.’…

General Overview of European Court of Human Rights Interpretation on Article 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights Industrial conflicts and industrial actions have long and significant effects on collective bargaining. The right to strike, a traditional type of collective action is the most effective power of trade unions and workers to promote their…

Introduction The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the labour market is fuelling a global debate about its potential to revolutionize recruitment processes, including in the public sector. Public hiring systems, traditionally founded on open competitions to ensure meritocracy, transparency, and equal access to public employment, may soon be challenged by AI’s ability to automate…

1.      Introduction Trade between the United States and Mexico has surged dramatically in recent decades. As reported by The New York Times in February 2024, the U.S. now imports more goods from Mexico than from China. In this environment, access to the U.S. market has become essential for Mexican companies, fostering a political climate conducive…